Showing posts with label Constellations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Constellations. Show all posts

Sunday, March 22, 2020

D3-Celestial: Chinese Constellations

Here is the payoff for the effort to make the D3-Celestial naming options more flexible: Traditional Chinese constellations and star names. Many thanks to Stellarium for the extensive data that made my work pretty easy. You can select the type of constellation- and star names in the form below the map between Chinese, Pinyin (Western transcription), and English translation. For orientation purposes I also included the option to display their IAU star designations.

Background on Chinese constellations on Wikipedia. Since I don't speak Chinese, I could only replicate the data as given by Stellarium. Except the constellation boundaries, which in the Chinese tradition are called the 28 Mansions, so they are only kinda-sorta equivalent to the concept of western constellations. In the Stellarium data those reach from pole to pole, but on old maps they are generally delineated between +/- 50 degrees, so I adopted that. Another difference are the 3 Enclosures, in the map shown as long pink lines. The constellation lines appear somewhat different as in the maps, and I can't vouch at all for the names. I'd be really happy with help from somebody who speaks Chinese.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

D3-Celestial: Better Constellation Names

The next step to more flexible naming options constellations can now be displayed in many languages, helped greatly by this Wikipedia page with a table listing lots of them. Note that this is not from the original Wikipedia, where this page has been deleted; apparently it was too useful. You can select the constellation-language in the form below the map, and zoom in to any constellation in the other select box, where the displayed names are automatically adapted to the language-selection, amended with the IAU 3-letter designation for convenience.

These are the relevant options in the configuration object, all renamed from previous versions to better represent the actual meaning. Different parameter names in older versions are transformed automatically to preserve backward compatibility.

  constellations: {
    names: true,   // Show constellation names 
    namesType: "desig",   // What kind of name to show (default 3 letter designations)
    // Available options: (name) Official IAU name, (desig) 3-Letter-Designation, (lat) Latin, (en) English, (ar) Arabic, 
    //(cn) Chinese, (cz) Czech, (ee) Estonian, (fi) Finnish, (fr) French, (de) German, (gr) Greek, (il) Hebrew, 
    //(it) Italian, (jp) Japanese, (kr) Korean, (in) Marathi, (ir) Persian, (ru) Russian, (es) Spanish, (tr) Turkish
    // Different fonts for brighter & darker constellations
    nameStyle: { fill:"#cccc99", align: "center", baseline: "middle", opacity:0.8, 
                 font: ["14px 'Lucida Sans Unicode', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif", 
                        "12px 'Lucida Sans Unicode', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",  
                        "11px 'Lucida Sans Unicode', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]},
    lines: true,   // Show constellation lines 
    lineStyle: { stroke: "#cccccc", width: 1.5, opacity: 0.6 },
    bounds: false,  // Show constellation boundaries 
    boundStyle: { stroke: "#ccff00", width: 1, opacity: 0.8, dash: [2, 4] }

Sunday, October 1, 2017

D3-Celestial with constellation select

A new feature for the interactive d3-celestial map, center on and zoom in on a single constellation, and hilight the constellation boundary if they are displayed. Choose a constellation from the select-box below and see what happens.

I also gave all the configuration categories IDs, so it is pretty easy to simplify the form via CSS styles, #celestial-form #stars { display: none; } makes the setting for stars invisible, and so on. The available IDs are: general, location, stars, dsos, constellations, lines, and, other, or the respective categories. Above I hid all the categories except general with the css:

  #celestial-form #location, 
  #celestial-form #stars, 
  #celestial-form #dsos,
  #celestial-form #constellations, 
  #celestial-form #lines, 
  #celestial-form #other { display:none; } 

See some more d3-celestial examples here, play with it here or check out the documentation and/or fork/download the source from the GitHub repository.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Two Hemispheres

Click for larger image

Just an ordinary two hemisphere star chart in Lambert equidistant azimuthal projection. And a happy new year.

Here are some constellation statistics:

Constellation             Genitive                           Boundaries               Stars
Abr. Long                                       North    South    H*  West     East   <6.5m
And  Andromeda            Andromedae            53°11m   21°41m   N   00h06m   23h51m   152
Ant  Antlia               Antliae              -24°33m  -40°25m   S   11h06m   09h27m    42
Aps  Apus                 Apodis               -67°29m  -83°07m   S   18h27m   13h50m    39
Aqr  Aquarius             Aquarii               03°20m  -24°54m       23h56m   20h38m   172
Aql  Aquila               Aquilae               18°41m  -11°52m       20h39m   18h41m   124
Ara  Ara                  Arae                 -45°29m  -67°41m   S   18h11m   16h34m    71
Ari  Aries                Arietis               31°13m   10°22m   N   03h30m   01h47m    86
Aur  Auriga               Aurigae               56°10m   27°53m   N   07h31m   04h38m   152
Boo  Boötes               Boötis                55°03m   07°22m   N   15h49m   13h36m   144
Cae  Caelum               Caeli                -27°01m  -48°44m   S   05h05m   04h20m    20
Cam  Camelopardalis       Camelopardalis        86°06m   52°40m   N   14h27m   03h16m   153
Cnc  Cancer               Cancri                33°08m   06°28m   N   09h23m   07h55m   104
CVn  Canes Venatici       Canum Venaticorum     52°22m   27°51m   N   14h08m   12h06m    59
CMa  Canis Major          Canis Majoris        -11°02m  -33°15m   S   07h28m   06h12m   147
CMi  Canis Minor          Canis Minoris         13°13m  -00°22m       08h12m   07h07m    47
Cap  Capricornus          Capricorni           -08°24m  -27°39m       21h59m   20h07m    81
Car  Carina               Carinae              -50°45m  -75°41m   S   11h21m   06h03m   225
Cas  Cassiopeia           Cassiopeiae           77°42m   46°41m   N   00h17m   23h41m   157
Cen  Centaurus            Centauri             -30°00m  -64°42m   S   15h03m   11h05m   281
Cep  Cepheus              Cephei                88°40m   53°21m   N   00h04m   23h41m   152
Cet  Cetus                Ceti                  10°31m  -24°52m       00h26m   23h56m   189
Cha  Chamaeleon           Chamaeleontis        -75°17m  -83°07m   S   13h56m   07h27m    31
Cir  Circinus             Circini              -55°26m  -70°37m   S   15h30m   13h39m    39
Col  Columba              Columbae             -27°05m  -43°07m   S   06h40m   05h04m    68
Com  Coma Berenices       Comae Berenices       33°18m   13°18m   N   13h36m   11h58m    66
CrA  Corona Austrina      Coronae Austrini     -36°47m  -45°31m   S   19h19m   17h59m    46
CrB  Corona Borealis      Coronae Borealis      39°43m   25°32m   N   16h25m   15h16m    37
Crv  Corvus               Corvi                -11°41m  -25°12m       12h57m   11h56m    29
Crt  Crater               Crateris             -06°40m  -25°12m       11h56m   10h51m    33
Cru  Crux                 Crux                 -55°41m  -64°42m   S   12h58m   11h56m    49
Cyg  Cygnus               Cygni                 61°21m   27°44m   N   22h03m   19h08m   262
Del  Delphinus            Delphini              20°56m   02°24m       21h09m   20h14m    44
Dor  Dorado               Doradus              -48°40m  -70°06m   S   06h36m   03h53m    29
Dra  Draco                Draconis              86°28m   47°33m   N   20h55m   09h22m   211
Equ  Equuleus             Equulei               13°02m   02°29m       21h26m   20h56m    16
Eri  Eridanus             Eridani               00°24m  -57°55m   S   05h11m   01h25m   194
For  Fornax               Fornacis             -23°45m  -39°31m   S   03h50m   01h45m    59
Gem  Gemini               Geminorum             35°23m   09°49m   N   08h08m   06h01m   119
Gru  Grus                 Gruis                -36°19m  -56°23m   S   23h27m   21h28m    55
Her  Hercules             Herculis              51°19m   03°40m   N   18h58m   15h48m   245
Hor  Horologium           Horologii            -39°38m  -67°02m   S   04h20m   02h13m    30
Hya  Hydra                Hydrae                06°38m  -35°42m   S   15h03m   08h11m   238
Hyi  Hydrus               Hydri                -57°51m  -82°04m   S   04h35m   00h06m    33
Ind  Indus                Indi                 -44°58m  -74°27m   S   23h28m   20h29m    42
Lac  Lacerta              Lacertae              56°55m   35°10m   N   22h58m   21h58m    68
Leo  Leo                  Leonis                32°58m  -06°42m   N   11h58m   09h22m   123
LMi  Leo Minor            Leonis Minoris        41°26m   22°50m   N   11h07m   09h23m    37
Lep  Lepus                Leporis              -10°49m  -27°17m       06h13m   04h55m    73
Lib  Libra                Librae               -00°28m  -30°00m       16h02m   14h22m    83
Lup  Lupus                Lupi                 -29°50m  -55°35m   S   16h09m   14h18m   127
Lyn  Lynx                 Lyncis                61°58m   32°58m   N   09h43m   06h16m    97
Lyr  Lyra                 Lyrae                 47°43m   25°40m   N   19h28m   18h14m    73
Men  Mensa                Mensae               -69°45m  -85°16m   S   07h37m   03h13m    22
Mic  Microscopium         Microscopii          -27°28m  -45°05m   S   21h28m   20h28m    43
Mon  Monoceros            Monocerotis           11°56m  -11°22m       08h11m   05h56m   138
Mus  Musca                Muscae               -64°38m  -75°41m   S   13h51m   11h19m    62
Nor  Norma                Normae               -42°16m  -60°26m   S   16h36m   15h12m    44
Oct  Octans               Octantis             -74°18m  -90°00m   S   24h00m   00h00m    60
Oph  Ophiuchus            Ophiuchi              14°23m  -30°13m   S   18h46m   16h02m   174
Ori  Orion                Orionis               22°53m  -10°59m       06h26m   04h43m   204
Pav  Pavo                 Pavonis              -56°35m  -74°58m   S   21h33m   17h41m    87
Peg  Pegasus              Pegasi                36°36m   02°20m   N   00h06m   23h56m   177
Per  Perseus              Persei                59°06m   30°55m   N   04h51m   01h30m   158
Phe  Phoenix              Phoenicis            -39°18m  -57°51m   S   00h02m   23h27m    71
Pic  Pictor               Pictoris             -42°48m  -64°09m   S   06h52m   04h33m    49
Psc  Pisces               Piscium               33°41m  -06°18m   N   00h06m   23h56m   150
PsA  Piscis Austrinus     Piscis Austrini      -24°50m  -36°28m   S   23h07m   21h27m    47
Pup  Puppis               Puppis               -11°15m  -51°06m   S   08h28m   06h03m   237
Pyx  Pyxis                Pyxidis              -17°25m  -37°18m   S   09h28m   08h27m    41
Ret  Reticulum            Reticuli             -52°45m  -67°15m   S   04h37m   03h13m    23
Sge  Sagitta              Sagittae              21°39m   16°05m       20h21m   18h57m    26
Sgr  Sagittarius          Sagittarii           -11°41m  -45°17m   S   20h29m   17h43m   194
Sco  Scorpius             Scorpii              -08°18m  -45°46m   S   17h59m   15h47m   167
Scl  Sculptor             Sculptoris           -24°48m  -39°22m   S   00h02m   23h56m    52
Sct  Scutum               Scuti                -03°50m  -15°57m       18h59m   18h22m    29
Ser  Serpens              Serpentis             25°40m  -16°08m       18h58m   15h10m   108
Sex  Sextans              Sextantis             06°26m  -11°40m       10h52m   09h41m    38
Tau  Taurus               Tauri                 31°06m  -01°21m   N   06h01m   03h23m   223
Tel  Telescopium          Telescopii           -45°05m  -56°59m   S   20h30m   18h09m    57
Tri  Triangulum           Trianguli             37°21m   25°36m   N   02h51m   01h31m    25
TrA  Triangulum Australe  Trianguli Australis  -60°16m  -70°31m   S   17h14m   14h56m    35
Tuc  Tucana               Tucanae              -56°19m  -75°21m   S   00h06m   23h28m    45
UMa  Ursa Major           Ursae Majoris         73°08m   28°18m   N   14h29m   08h09m   209
UMi  Ursa Minor           Ursae Minoris         90°00m   65°24m   N   24h00m   00h00m    39
Vel  Vela                 Velorum              -37°10m  -57°10m   S   11h06m   08h03m   214
Vir  Virgo                Virginis              14°22m  -22°41m       15h11m   11h37m   169
Vol  Volans               Volantis             -64°06m  -75°30m   S   09h04m   06h31m    31
Vul  Vulpecula            Vulpeculae            29°29m   19°24m       21h31m   18h57m    68

Constellation: Abr. 3-letter abbreviation, Name: long name, Genitive: possesive form.
Boundaries: North/South: northern-/southernmost declination.
H: N for all constellations at least partially north of 30°, S for all constellations at least partially south of -30°, empty for all others within ±30° of the celestial equator.
East/West: eastern-/westermost right ascension.
Stars < 6.5m: number of stars brighter than apparent visual magnitude 6.5.

The above table as a text file