Sunday, January 8, 2017

Holiday project: Celestial wall map

Things to do with the D3-Celestial star map: Wall poster.

Detail 1: Orion

Detail 2: Sagittarius

Source image for the map:

Bonus features, glue the to the poster or copy&paste them onto the image if you prefer planning ahead (ahem):

Planet positions charted by ecliptic longitude over a 5 year period (based on my elongation chart Same chart, 10 year period

Major asterisms (interactive version)

Grid/planes/brightest stars (<3.5mag)

Lessons learned: For 100x50cm, 4000 pixels width is sufficient. Configuration settings different from default:

var config = { 
  width: 4000,    
  projection: "aitoff",  //Map projection used
  transform: "equatorial",   //Coordinate transformation equatorial
  center: [180,0,0],
  stars: {
    show: true,    //Show stars
    limit: 8,      //up to maximum stellar magnitude
    colors: true,  //Show stars spectral colors, if not use "color"
    namestyle: { fill: "#ddddbb", font: "12px Georgia, Times, 'Times Roman', serif", 
                 align: "left", baseline: "top" },
    proper: false, //Show proper names (if none shows designation)
    desig: false,   //Show designation 
    namelimit: 5,   //Maximum magnitude with name
    size: 10,
    data: "stars.8.json" // Data source for stellar data  
  dsos: {
    show: true,    //Show Deep Space Objects
    limit: 16,      //up to maximum magnitude
    names: true,   //Show DSO names
    namestyle: { fill: "#cccccc", font: "12px Trebuchet, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif", 
                 align: "left", baseline: "bottom" },
    desig: true,   //Show short DSO names
    namelimit: 16,   //Maximum magnitude with name
    size: null,    
    data: "dsos.bright.json"
  constellations: {
    show: true,    //Show constellations 
    names: true,   //Show constellation names 
    namestyle: { fill: "#cccccc", font: "18px Trebuchet, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif", 
                 align: "left", baseline: "top" },
    desig: true,   //Show short constellation names (3 letter designations)
    lines: true,   //Show constellation lines 
    linestyle: { stroke: "#cccccc", width: 1.5, opacity: 0.6 },
    bounds: true,  //Show constellation boundaries 
    boundstyle: { stroke: "#ccff00", width: 1.5, opacity: 0.8, dash: [4, 8] }
  mw: {
    show: true,    //Show Milky Way outlines
    style: { fill:"#ffffff", opacity:"0.12" }
  lines: {
    graticule: { show: true, stroke:"#cccccc", width:1, opacity:.6 },   
    equatorial: { show: true, stroke:"#aaaaaa", width:1.5, opacity:.7 }, 
    ecliptic: { show: true, stroke:"#66cc66", width:1.5, opacity:.7 },  
    galactic: { show: true, stroke:"#cc6666", width:1.5, opacity:.7 },  
    supergalactic: { show: true, stroke:"#cc66cc", width:1.5, opacity:.7 } 

[Update] Here is the image of the complete map with all the above options
Next up: grid coordinate references on the map

See some more examples here, play with it here or check out the documentation and/or fork/download the source from the GitHub repository.


  1. Wow is just the simple word that may explain that how much I liked it. It was nicely stuffed with the material I was looking for. It is great to be here though by chance.
