
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Solar System Missions Update 2019-11

Here's my map of all active and future Solar System Missions as of November 1st 2019.

This month or the next Hayabusa 2 will depart asteroid Ryugu for Earth to return the samples it collected earlier on.

In the last few Month US Moon exploration came to life a bit with lots of new missions announced, in preparation for the Artemis/Gateway program the NASA Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) funded Astrobotic and Orbit Beyond to deliver two landers to the lunar surface in 2021, and the VIPER (Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover, obviously) will explore the lunar south pole in 2022. And then there are lots of private announcements notoriously short on detail, so I struggle to put them in the list somehow, knowing I'll probably miss most of them anyway.

Also interesting this Month is the European Space19+ Meeting, where a lot of mission announcements are to be expected. And finally, the Earth/Sun L1 Near Earth Object observatory NEOCam seems to go ahead at last, renamed to NEOSM, as in NEO Surveillance Mission.

Data, images and documentation are available on my space exploration history GitHub repository and the associated website.

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