
Sunday, August 25, 2019

D3-Celestial showboating

Position (RA / Dec): - / - (Hold down mouse button to stop animation)
🔴 Show the colors!
🠋 Download image

Showing off some new features and howtos for d3.celstial. First setting the Color of DSOs. The new settings below allow to display alle the deep space objects in a uniform default color if the 'colors' setting is set to false in the configuration-section under 'dsos'. The colr is determined by the 'fill' and 'stroke' properties.

  dsos: {
    colors: false,  // Show DSOs in symbol colors if true, use style settings below if false
    style: { fill: "#cccccc", stroke: "#cccccc", width: 2, opacity: 1 }, // Default style for dsos

Second, how to convert cursor position to map coordinates. For this we need the function invert that is implemented for every map projection. If it gets valid x/y screen coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the map (that's why offsetLeft/Top are subtracted first [Correction: Turns out offsetX/Y does the trick]), it returns the sky position in decimal degrees. Caveat: A position outside of the projected map returns [NaN, NaN].

  function getPosition(e) {
    var p = document.getElementById ('celestial-map17').getBoundingClientRect(),
        x = e.offsetX,
        y = e.offsetY,
        inv = Celestial.mapProjection.invert([x, y]);
    return inv; // [right ascension -180...180 degrees, declination -90...90 degrees]
  document.getElementById('celestial-map17').addEventListener('mousemove', getPosition, false);

If you want to pretty print the coordinates in hms and dms as above, here are the conversion functions for your convenience:

  function deg2hms (deg) {
    if (deg === null || isNaN(parseFloat(deg))) return;
    var ra = deg < 0 ? (deg + 360) / 15 : deg / 15, 
       h = Math.floor (ra),
       rest1 = (ra - h) * 60,
       m = Math.floor(rest1),
       rest2 = (rest1 - m) * 60;
       s = Math.round(rest2);
    return '' + pad(h) + 'ʰ ' + pad(m) + 'ᵐ ' + pad(s) + 'ˢ';
  function deg2dms (deg) {
    if (deg === null || isNaN(parseFloat(deg))) return;
    var d = Math.floor (deg),
       rest1 = (deg - d) * 60,
       m = Math.floor(rest1),
       rest2 = (rest1 - m) * 60;
       s = Math.round(rest2);
    return '' + pad(d) + '° ' + pad(m) + '′ ' + pad(s) + '″';

  function pad(n) { 
    if (n < 0) return n > -10 ? '-0' + Math.abs(n) : n;
    return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n; 

And last a simple added functionality, a download link that saves the current canvas content as an image.

  var button = document.getElementById('btnDownload');
  // Set the file name to your liking, e.g. add the displayed date/time
  button.setAttribute('download', 'd3-celestial.png');
  button.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
    var canvas = document.querySelector('#celestial-map canvas'),
        // To get a download instead of image display, according to stack overflow 
        dataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png').replace('image/png', 'image/octet-stream');
    button.href = dataURL;